Before you purchase your own income insurance policy, you have to be reminded of some important things first. Technically, almost all income insurance policies start providing you with payments once you become unable to work for a certain period of time for roughly a day or even up to a hundred days or so. The longer you can get by without the said payment the cheaper your insurance cover will be. This is what is commonly known as the excess period or the deferment period.

You have to look for insurance providers who provide a variety of excess period to choose from for you to be able to reflect any illness benefit scheme which is offered by your current employer. It is good for you to select excess periods which may suit your situation, most importantly where you need to vary the excess period between unemployment and your sickness. In this way, you may be able to save some money.

Be informed of the set period provided by your insurance company. Set periods are the time frame by which your insurance company will provide you will financial assistance upon activation of your insurance cover. Some insurance providers will pay out for 12 months to 24 months. You have to be careful in deciding if you will be purchasing an insurance cover which covers you for less than 1 year. These types may be cheaper but they may not provide you with utmost assistance when needed.

Another aspect of the income insurance policy that you have to look at is the insurance claims provided by your cover. Some insurance providers give benefits which may not exceed your gross income but some companies provide more restricted claims than others. Many only offer up to 1000 per month while there are some insurance companies which are only restricted to around 50% of your gross salary. On the other hand, there are even insurance companies which provide up to 60% or more of your total income and a higher maximum benefit.

You must remember to secure the best value for your money. The premiums rates from these insurance providers may vary widely so it may be a good idea to scout and shop around. To maximize this effort, it may be best for you to check out the Internet as there are loads of websites which offer assistance and advice to insurance buyers regarding this matter.

Sometimes insurance providers charge a big sum of amount but their coverage to not really equate the price you pay. This is one thing you should be very vigilant with.
Lastly, it may be best for you to check out trusted insurance companies as well and compare the variety of income insurance policy they offer. Upon doing so, the next thing to do is to check out the different benefits they offer and the corresponding premiums you have to pay. In this way you may be able to find the best income cover for the most affordable price possible.

Want to find out more about Income Protection Insurance?, then visit Sally Rider’s site on for your needs!