A one hour payday loan may be your best option when you need some money in a hurry because you are between paydays and you have an unexpected financial emergency. It only takes a few minutes to fill out an application on the internet and there is no credit check required. That means that you can still receive your loan whether you have bad credit or a poor credit history. These lenders will loan you between $100 and $1,500 on your signature. The only requirements are that you have a bank account, are at least 18 years old, are a citizen, have a steady income, and have a valid driver’s license or other form of valid identification. The application is only a single online form.

These loans can prevent you from bouncing a check or help you catch up on your bills. However, they are intended to be repaid by your next payday. They are considered short term, high risk loans and for that reason the interest rates are higher than they are for conventional loans. Although these loans are intended to help you out in a financial emergency, nobody will ask you what the loan is for and you can use the money for whatever you want. These loans are secure, quick, easy, and very convenient to obtain. Regardless of your situation a one hour payday loan can help you out.

One hour payday loans are available from numerous websites on the Internet. It takes a few minutes to complete the application, and your loan will be approved almost immediately. Most lenders don’t require you to fax any documentation to them. Once your loan is approved, the lender will transfer the loan proceeds to your bank or checking account electronically usually within one hour. You should shop around on the Internet to find the least expensive loan because different lenders charges different interest rates.

You should also determine the APR for the interest rate of the loan and the payback agreement. You need to be reasonably sure that you can repay the loan on time. If, for whatever reason, you can’t repay the loan on time, most lenders will provide you with an extension for the loan but the interest rate for the extension period is usually much higher than the interest rate for the original loan. This can not only be expensive but can also result in additional financial problems in the future. However, the lender will usually give you the option to repay more than the minimum amount and extend your loan, repay the minimum amount and extend your loan, or repay your loan in full on your next payday.

128 bit SSL encryption is used to make sure that your loan is secure. Your personal information will be completely safe. These loans are quick, easy to obtain, very convenient and you will have the money that you need in no more than an hour.

Click here for more information about fast payday loans and 1 hour payday loans.