Are you spending too much on your electric bill? There are many ways to cut your utility costs. The following are Sungate Energy Solutions‘ top ten ways to decrease your electrical bill and still keep your home cool (in the summer) and warm (in the winter).

1. Swap out your incandescent light bulbs for compact fluorescents in your three most frequently used lights. Aim to eventually use only compact fluorescents in your home. If every American home replaced just one light with an Energy Star compact fluorescent bulb, we would save enough energy to light 3 million homes for a year, save about $600 million in annual energy costs, and prevent 9 billion pounds of greenhouse gas emissions per year, equivalent to those from about 800,000 cars.

2. Acquire a thermostat you can program. This will enable you to set temperatures for when you are sleeping, on vacation and for certain times throughout the day.

3. Your air filters should be changed once per month. This allows the air to flow and your heating and cooling systems don’t need to work as hard.

4. Air vents should be vacuumed on a regular basis.

5. Light colored blinds or curtains should be used on windows facing the south and west. Be sure to keep them closed during the hottest time of the day.

6. Use small appliances like crock pots for cooking during the summer. Not only do they use less electricity than your oven, but they keep your kitchen cooler, too.

7. Turn your thermostat a degree or two up in the summer and down in the winter. It may be slightly uncomfortable at first, but over time you will get used to it.

8. Turn off those lights. Many people have lights on when they don’t really need them. Make it a point to keep lights out when they’re not really needed.

9. When you go on vacation, turn off your hot water heater tank. Or you can buy a tankless hot water heater so that your water is never heated unless you are using it.

10. Find a reputable company in your area to assist with installing energy efficient windows, tankless water heaters, insulation and solar panels to make a big difference with your energy bill.

Sungate Energy Solutions offers ways to decrease your energy bill. Read over 75 reviews about Sungate Energy Solutions.