Mark A Cella on Radically Deep US Oil Reserves

US Oil Reserves Replacement Wrong to Private Profiteers.

US oil reserves registered as proven oil do not include the 1.5 trillion barrels worth of black gold enmeshed in shale deposits.

At least 800 billion barrels is thought to be recoverable, equivalent to the oil reserves of the Saudi Kingdom.

This unconventional oil, is released from the rock when it is heated.

The abundance of this resource and others such as oil sands in Canada belie the deceit on the part of the media and governments in fabricating fears of an end to oil supplies.

Mark A Cella on US Oil Reserves

While alternative energy is advisable to end environmental degradation, the scare of scant supply is a scam to pump up prices and pilfer profits from already pummeled working people.

Shell is currently testing methods of extracting oil from shale while still in the ground, eliminating the investment in mining the material.

More than 15 billion barrels may be extractable in other countries.

Vast amounts of power and water are likely needed to unlock this resource.

New petroleum sources strip sensibility from pump prices.

Of course, experiments in harvesting this material are arguably a waste of work, better bestowed upon using clean fuel options.

Mark A Cella on US Oil Reserves

US oil reserves dependency is devastating and demented. Oil companies have held households hostage and what is left of small businesses are battling bankruptcy. In part this is due to the expensive energy economy.

It is designed for dynamic delivery of profits to private parasitic pirates that ransack the revenue of working people at every step. Alternative options are of no interest to the corporate cartel that controls energy.

This means the US is once again falling behind China and Japan in research and development of cutting edge cars and technologies. The small owning class in America cares not. They are allied with Japanese and European capitalists to keep their quintessential cut of world resources and personal profits.

Mark A Cella on Radically Deep US Oil Reserves

Right wing wackos argue that US oil reserves are restricted by environmental regulations. Progress is prevented from proceeding by corporate criminals. These are the culprits keeping clean capacities at bay.

They know that real alternatives are their enemy. Energy sovereignty could emerge to eliminate a portion of their trickle up economic fortunes.

Mark A Cella US Oil Reserves Run Radically Deep

The US oil reserves reflected in proven oil is indicated as incomplete. Additionally reserves have risen in recent years despite prognostics of Peak Oil problems. Prices however, do not plummet at the pumps. They are maintained and manipulated. This is to keep the already filthy rich rolling in ridiculous revenue.

Wars are justified on these lies of US fuel shortages in order to shore up control of quality oil such as in Iraq and the Caspian Sea. Production is cheaper than in the case of shale or Canadian oil sands. US soldiers are slaughtered and return the favor to other working people in defense of demented designs for a New Order.

This order pivots on protecting resources for the rich rulers of the US political and economic system for generations to come. It is the scourge of the planet.

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