If you are thinking about purchasing auto insurance, but you do nOt know much about your options, it would help you to know a little bit about the top 10 auto insurance companies in the Untied States. The more you know about your options, the more informed you will be when you decide which auto insurance company is best for you. The following is a list of the top ten auto insurance companies in the united states with a very brief description of each one.

The Risk of Insurance. Insurance companies really operate on the concept of risk. Every time they take on a new customer they are taking a risk that you will not have an accident. When you have an accident then they are obligated to pay for the damages which can amount of several hundred thousands of dollars. By operating a motor vehicle there is an inherent amount of assigned risk involved that both you and the insurance company take on. Car Insurance Fort Lauderdale offers car insurance for just $39 per month.

Personal Factors are important. There are many personal variables that help determine the quote an insurer gives to a potential customer. Age, education, car make and model, the neighborhood of residence, gender, and even personal associations can affect the quote you receive. Keep in mind that these differ for every person. People may drive the same type of car, but if one is a 45-year old woman and the other a 21-year man, their quotes will vary greatly. Car Insurance Fort Lauderdale offers car insurance for $39 per month.

Enter Underwriting. If the insurance companies were to take on this risk all by themselves, then we would have to pay exorbitant prices for our auto insurance policy. Underwriting helps leverage the risk by helping the insurance company with a balance between price and risk. Underwriters are charged with the task of backing up the insurance company with the power of their investments and money so that they can help shape prices of policies and what will be covered.

When offering you a quote for car insurance, car insurance companies will likely respond differently. Despite the fact that they access the same information – personal and financial – an inaccuracy in information from different credit agencies, slightly different equations to determine insurance scores, or the financial situation of the company, can alter the quote they give you. The lesson is, of course, that you should take the time to get several quotes from different insurance companies. Otherwise you will not know if the next one is lower.

Nick Riley is a expert in the car insurance industry visit Fort Lauderdale Insurance