The Hazards In Home Equity Loans
The home equity loan is a very convenient way of accessing money for needed house repairs or improvements, plus a standing credit line and immediately available cash. The long payment terms with low, fixed interest rates also allow them to have the money to pay off higher interest debts. The borrower however should be warned that there are attendant hazards.
There are lenders that offer lower interest rates and monthly payments without informing their clients that the interest rates are dependent on their credit scores. If these borrowers are unable to pay the higher payments in time, the lenders have the option to repossess their homes. Debt consolidation or refinancing is not a viable option as the homeowners may find it harder to pay the larger amortizations.
Seeing that he was able to save money on the home equity loan or credit line, a borrower might felt justified on spending more on his other expenses. They will start using their credit card heavily once paying it off, with the result that they will be paying more than ever before. What if there are cost overruns in the subject sought to be funded, or there arose an unexpected expense, what would be the plan B? Rather than having the savings hoped for, the borrower may even be paying a lot more.
The borrowers should also be wary of hidden costs that they cannot know until the loan documents are signed. This has become a regular occurrence, so the borrowers should be emphatic on full disclosure of the terms and conditions. Borrowers should be particularly on the lookout for equity stripping, loan flipping and over borrowing. In this scheme, the lender will put in a falsely higher income for the borrower for the purpose of loan approval. The outcome is that the borrower is incapable of paying back the loan. In loan flipping, a mortgage is made bigger so the borrower can avail of a bigger loan. As in loan flipping, the borrower will be obligated to pay more than what he can afford. Over borrowing on the other hand allows the granting of a loan much higher than the worth of the house. This situation disqualifies a borrower from claiming a tax deduction and he might have problems with his payments.
In spite of certain risks, a home equity loan can actually be very useful to a homeowner. The borrower who exercise good judgment in his handling of his finances will have no trouble in keeping up with his payments, be it a large or small loan.
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