In the world of economics and politics there are the influential and the followers. The followers and leaders often believe that they fall into these positions of hierarchy because of knowledge and presents for a particular cause thus, mutual credo chanters follow their lead and there you have it the leaders and the followers but this is anything but accurate.

The reality is much more technical but once you understand the process you can step in and lead just about any cause, campaign or company. The formula for leadership is not necessarily your position on a cause but two things, the conception of your idea on a cause and you as an individual that can embody the hopes and aspirations of those around you which will draw them to you and will eventually become your flock. The key element here is to grow your flock. To do this you need to first find those seeking a leader, find the common thread they all share in seeking a leader and what causes they support.

Many people want to be influential but they freeze up when it comes down to stepping out and taking on the position. Once you’ve identified a group you’ll need to assimilate into this group and start from the top to the bottom on their cause list. Make your presence known. Get on committees and stay close to those who already have a following. Be seen with this person as an insider having serious conversations and don’t forget to laugh. Followers are watching your interaction from afar and the visual element and timing here is crucial.

Most likely these leaders you’ve identified yourself with have polarized themselves and are voluntarily secluded as they’ve reached the limit of their comfort zone and have not journeyed to other groups to build their following, you will be different. As you serve on these committees you will use the influence of these currently micro leaders to immediately gain committed followers on multiple fronts. You’ll build your following based off of the leaders you bring in who have the following and you won’t waste your time with going after the actual individual follower. So to be clear you will be at the top of the food-chain by creating a new position above the current leadership and you’ll be the one with the ultimate power by having the ability to engage multiple groups simultaneously. You’ll be asked by other, less evolved leaders beneath you for introductions to other entity members and leaders. You’re objective here is to make introductions that outwardly seem free and open while you remain in control of the communication between individuals so you don’t find a rival situation on your hands.

Application of this concept would go something like this: join the chamber of commerce, buy a members guide, go to the section that lists the groups and the group leaders, this is where your infiltration will be initiated. Research each leader with a basic Google search, know their likes and dislikes, hobbies and everything about their company and their immediate competition before you even visit the first meeting. Take your time with this as you will never get a second chance to make that first impression. After you’ve don’t your research and feel ready, make sure that your body language speaks volumes by demonstrating confidence and by all means make your knowledge seem passive and off the cuff. Don’t be a close talker, don’t be a know it all and don’t seem overly aggressive as if you have an agenda. If the current leadership feels threatened in any way you’re done, it’s over. You’ll never get a chance to break in and word will spread like wildfire.

Each inside group has an applicable version of the ‚good old boy club‘ identify the characteristics of these individuals when you are in the group, apply the knowledge you’ve absorbed in research, throw out some helpful ideas and ease in like an old man in a hot warm bath.

Once you’ve conquered one group, step into the next and the next and soon you’ll run into others at the same level as you and from their you’ll pick a leader that you can control and use your circle of influence to get your agenda out their based off of the exceptional pedigree of the individual demonstrating a willingness to be controlled in order to feel and put up the illusion that he is the one in control.

There’s a lot to swallow here but read this a few times and let it sink in and by that time we’ll have the second article out to take you from here to the next strategy to claim your position at the top.

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