Bobby Jain & The Assessment Of Private Student Loans
Fox Business put forth an article that went into detail about private loans, one of the more surprising pieces of information being that students owed more than $150 million. However, did you know that very few individuals know the differences between private and federal student loans? What exactly is it that separates these two options, you may wonder? If you were to consult Bobby Jain, for example, perhaps you would be able to learn about these points.
Fox Business detailed that while federal student loans do not have to be paid as long as students spend half-time at school, private loans are different. There are many loan providers that require immediate repayment, which is one of the reasons why so many people are turned away by these ideas. As Bobby Jain will be able to tell you, it’s important to look over all of the details. According to names like Jain, guidelines are likely to differ from one provider to the next.
Loan forgiveness programs are great options for those who are eligible for enrollment. There are certain professions to keep in mind, as far as loan forgiveness is concerned, so those who are involved in medicine and education will be able to take advantage of this opportunity. Bobby Jain can attest to the fact than federal loans apply to this program and may be forgiven. It’s another story entirely when it comes to private loans, as the report said that it’s unlikely for them to be treated the same.
Another factor to keep in mind, as far as student loans are concerned, is that federal loans have a fixed interest rate. What this means is that you are stuck paying that particular amount over the course of time, regardless of how rates change. This is not the same with private loans, as the report detailed, since they can change. If you believe that these rates stand the chance of increasing, as opposed to decreasing, it would be in your best interest to look at your options carefully.
If you are someone who wants more in the way of freedom, it is likely that you will look to private loans first and understandably so. My argument, though, is that the level of risk tied to private options are nowhere near worth the rewards they may possess. Are federal loans costly? I believe that this goes without saying. However, seeing as how their fixed rates are able to be transitioned into student loan forgiveness programs and are more solid overall, federal loans are more worthwhile.
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