If you are thinking of obtaining a car on a tight financial budget then this article is intended to offer some assistance. There are a lot of risks related to low cost automobiles, the most obvious been that unless you have got a masters degree in mechanics, there is a good chance that you could get ripped off. Many individuals do sell genuine cheap second hand vehicles, but for each one of these individuals there are two others who want to sell their vehicle before it breaks, and these individuals are more interested in getting a good price for their vehicle than in being honest about the cars condition. This article will run through a couple of approaches to sourcing low cost motors, and the individual setbacks and strengths of every one of these approaches.

Every day thousands of second hand motor vehicles are sold for great prices through motor vehicle auctions. There’s a good likelihood that you will buy a car at a mere fraction of its true price at a good auction. The draw back of auctions is that you cant actually test drive any of the cars before buying, and there’s no method of recourse available to you should the motor vehicle have any problems that you failed to identify before bidding. Also when buying at an auction your choice is limited to the available lots on the day.

Things are not a lot better when you think about the deal you’d get from a second hand motor vehicle dealer, there isn’t much in the way of warranties on offer, though some dealers offer a seven days money back deals, this isn’t really the form of protection you should ideally be looking for when you find yourself spending around a thousand pounds on a vehicle. What if a major engine failure happens on day ten? You will have lost your cash and are left with the body of a motor vehicle that will cost more to restore than it will likely be worth after the work is done.

There are other ways of finding low-cost second hand vehicles, gumtree or ebay for example, but the same story applies here. No guarantees are available and no cover is given. Once you pay for the vehicle you are out on a limb, and problems the motor vehicle has that you simply failed to notice on the time of purchase are your problems now, not the sellers.

Because of all the obvious problems related to buying a second hand motor vehicle on a tight budget, an increasing number of people these days are opting for car leasing, this is because when you lease a car you get a showroom condition brand new motor vehicle for under a hundred pounds per month. Also you’ll be able to change the vehicle for a brand new model every few years. This permits just about anyone to drive a dependable brand new vehicle for a low month-to-month fee. Breakdowns are covered because the car is new by the manufacturer, and there aren’t any hidden costs to worry about.

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