Some Basic Tips On Saving Money On Your Car Insurance Premium
People often believe that they can save money on their car insurance premium by switching to a new provider. This, however, it may not be the best idea as you may be able to get a number of different discounts with your current provider. You will, however, have to ask about these first, and this information is not going to be readily provided.
The types of discounts that you can achieve will be varied. One common discount will be based upon a multi-policy or multicar discounts. Essentially, if you want to insure a number of vehicles or if you need to purchase a number of different types of insurance policy, then do this with your current provider in order to save money.
Look into discounts based upon driver training courses. Anyone who has willingly agreed to take a training course will certainly be able to save money with affiliated insurance providers. In most cases you will find that these types of courses are especially important for elderly drivers. Insurance premium rates can drop by between 15% and 5% as a result of these courses.
If you have a student in the household who is a driver then you may get student discounts as well. Make sure that they get good grades at school and you will achieve even better discounts. However, you will have to have the policy yourself as the primary driver with your son or daughter named as the secondary driver on the policy.
Special equipment discounts may also apply. If your vehicle has all of the necessary features that will prevent theft and limit the chances of injury during an accident then these will also help you to reduce your yearly premiums. If you have these necessary features installed and always make sure that your insurance provider knows about them.
Milage discounts also apply. It is important for you to consider exactly how frequently you drive your vehicle and make sure that your policy reflects this. For example, if you drive less than 7500 miles each year then you should easily be able to achieve a significant discount as a result.
One last option would simply be to raise the deductible on your policy. You will get a discount on your premiums if your deductible is raised. Essentially, the higher your deductible goes, the lower your premiums are likely to become. Simply raising your deductible from $500-$1000, for example, may help you to achieve up to a 15% discount on your premiums.
Get the exclusive low down on top tips to save big on your car insurance premium now in our complete overview of importance of car insurance cover.
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