Stop Cold Calling And Learn How To Generate Financial Sales Leads
Have you ever been sitting down having a conversation or dinner with your family when the telephone starts to ring? You answer the phone just to hear a salesman on the other end trying to convince you to change your long distance provider or to buy a funeral plot. With anger you tell the salesman to remove your name from whatever list he is using. While slamming the phone down you are praying he got the message and won’t call again. That salesman is cold calling. He somehow got your name and phone number, usually having purchased it from a company that had it because you signed up for something. The salesman is calling your number with hopes of selling you whatever he’s offering. This exact scenario happens frequently when salespeople resort to cold calling. They get used to being called nasty names, cussed at, and being hung up on. Even with all the abuse a salesman takes, he keeps plugging away, calling total strangers with the hope that at least one of them will say yes.