Schlagwort:Executive Recruiting

Economic Debauchery, The Political Profiteer And The Devastation Of The Masses For The Profit Of The Institutional Few

Yep! Quite a mouthful but let it sink in. The self proclaimed economic elite make rules and mistake that affect all of us, there only accountability is a quick senate hearing where they are interrogated for show and afterwards have champagne and cocktails in chambers and laugh off the comments of the day and plan their future hunting events in the Congo. I don’t find it comical that our domestic economy and power position is rapidly being exchanged for that of the third world or some obscure island nation whose major export is sand and debt.


Global Expansion Consultants – Global Consulting Firms – Take Your Company Public

Many times companies stand at the threshold of massive stardom but carry the burden of dead weight management that simply take up space and increase salary costs. The company needs to eliminated them and recruit qualified management but there is often an emotional element at play here which makes it difficult to take the garbage out to the curb on trash collection day.
