
Take Your Company Public – Over The Counter Bulletin Board

There are many ways to use capital without using bank loans, lines of credit and other shady methods like shelf corps and bogus platform scams. If you are truly trying to raise capital for your company here are some simple breakdowns of your options with a quick definition for each one:


Advantages Of Being Public – Of Taking Company Public

Take Your Company Public: A Must Read Before You Do Anything! As a consultant in the business of structuring companies, setting up strategic alliances for clients, writing business plans and PPM’s and taking companies public on the OTCBB, I must admit I’ve seen my share of scams and swindling of uninformed clients. One sad issue that permeates the industry is clients who believe that their only option is to give up substantial equity while paying hefty fees to consultants who take your company public.


Make Your Child Want To Earn Their Own Money

I use to hate bringing my kids to the shopping centre. Whenever we’d walk into a store, the kids would always spot one of those „must“ haves. Whenever it happened I knew there was no way I was leaving the store unless I dragged the kids out in a screaming tantrum … or I just gave up and bought what they wanted.


It Isn’t Necessary To Stay Broke When A Cash Advance Is So Easy To Get

Have you ever felt totally helpless when it is Tuesday and you are already broke with no money in sight until Friday? Well, you are never in that boat alone because more people than you realize live that way every week just trying to get to their next paycheck. It is a sad state of affairs, but it happens to people all of the time. Sometimes you just don’t have a chance of getting by until your next payday especially if something unexpected happens and eats up what little cash you had left.


A Guide To Individual Voluntary Arrangements

An Individual Voluntary Arrangement, or IVA, is a financial agreement which legally binds both you and the entities you owe money to. Depending on how you are holding up financially, and how much you still owe on your debt, the amount of your payment may vary. The length of time you are allotted to pay the amount back can last for up to five years. After you complete the full term of payments the rest of the debt you owe is then considered to be legally settled.
