Schlagwort:no win no fee

Legal – No Win No Fee Claims

Are you familiar with „no win no fee“ claims? These agreements are between a law firm and client and indicate that the client does not have to pay legal fees if the case is lost. On the other hand, be aware that the lawyer will be entitled to compensation if he or she wins. A law firm will receive what is called a „success fee.“ Typically, these no win no fee claims involve cases that deal with personal injury. If you are considering pursuing a no win no fee claim, there are some important criteria to consider.


Ataxic Cerebral Palsy Lawyer

Ataxic cerebral palsy accounts for five to ten percent of all cases of cerebral palsy. In this form of cerebral palsy, there is damage to a part of the brain called the cerebellum that helps maintain balance and coordination. When the cerebellum is damaged, it can result in poor muscle tone or hypotonia, difficulty maintaining balance and a normal gait, tremors, disorders of depth perception and an inability to control the range and motion of voluntary movements. As a result, children with ataxic cerebral palsy often demonstrate a wide-based, unsteady gait.
